Who We Are

Harbor Cap Partners (HCP) is an Independent Sponsor, founded by Stuart Jamieson. A private equity investment, consulting and strategic advisory firm focused on partnering with companies in start-up, growth, transition and distress stages. HCP concentrates on private investments in consumer brands, specializing in luxury goods, food and beverage, apparel, hospitality, lifestyle sectors, manufacturing, construction, retail industry, automotive, aerospace and distribution. Stuart has over 25 years of experience as a private equity sponsor, an executive, turnaround consultant, and investor. Prior to HCP, Mr. Jamieson was the Managing Director and COO of three Private Equity companies: Tengram Capital, Windsong Brands, and Stamford Capital all of which are active investors and operators in the consumer, luxury goods, food and beverage, apparel, hospitality, lifestyle sectors, manufacturing, construction, retail industry, automotive, aerospace and distribution. Mr. Jamieson has originated, led, or executed over 150 transactions exceeding $10 billion in value.

What We Do

HCP looks to partner with companies in start-up, growth and transition stages with a concentration on private investments in consumer brands, specializing in luxury goods, food and beverage, apparel, hospitality, and lifestyle sectors.


Executed Transactions

>10 Billion

in Value


Years Experience


Expertise in developing and implementing business, financial, and investment strategies, spearheading large-scale projects, conducting financial and operational assessments, due diligence, quality of earnings, and identifying investment opportunities while functioning as a trusted advisor at the highest levels.


To arrange a consultation or workshop, call or email.

Stuart Jamieson | Harbor Cap Partners
[email protected]
1 N. Waterstreet – Suite 511
Norwalk CT 06854

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